Romblonella coryae

Romblonella coryae or langgam in Tagalog

Say hello to Romblonella coryae, 1 of 9 ant species of Romblonella in the world. But this species can only be found in Palawan!

Ants or langgam (Tag), amigas (Bis), som (Bis) atbp., may seem easy to find around your house, but some species are hard to find. Luckily, the vibrant yellows of R. coryae allowed researchers to accidentally find them while at camp in the 40,000+ hectare Cleopatra’s Needle, a locally protected area in Palawan.

If you love ants, maybe you should consider being a myrmecologist: an ant scientist!

Why are these species important?

  • They live in forest where people not only enjoy the outdoors by trekking or hiking, but where people also are dependent on forest resources (i.e bamboo, firewood, medicine). These species are a sign of how healthy the forest is. If the forest is not healthy enough for it, the forest is not healthy enough to sustain human health, and happiness.
  • These forests are ecosystems, or places where life and the physical environment together form connected relationships and sustain each other. The forest ecosystem is important because they deliver water to us, and they absorb carbon dioxide and help control our climate.
  • All the “ecosystem services” we have mentioned above, including the forest being a nice place to visit and get fresh air, are all FREE! No company or organization charges people for these services. But it is your government and the people who live nearby who must ensure these forests are around today, and for future generations.

How you can help

  • Reach out to local DENR offices in Cleopatra’s Needle Forest Reserve in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Ask how you can volunteer or assist in existing programs, or even surveys of these areas.
  • Read studies and examples of successful conservation efforts that empower local communities. Use your resources to connect with local organizations in Palawan. Help find support, funding, training, and more to start or continue local conservation efforts.
  • If you are not from Palawan or are too far to visit, research into national forest laws that you can support, like the Forest Resources Bill.
  • Donate or volunteer with environmental NGOs like the Haribon Foundation, which works with forest-dependent communities in different parts of the country.
  • Continue educating yourself and others on the importance of local biodiversity and ecosystems for people, and the planet.

Support my art

Romblonella coryae or langgam in Tagalog framed print

If you’d like a Romblonella coryae artprint, contact me on Instagram!


  • Publish date: March 30, 2022
  • Last updated: March 30, 2022